Mount Power



maximize button (?) makes internal window vanish

BugTracker - Pi± Wrz 21, 2007 1:53 pm
" />A bug report

Repeatable: yes

I opened a database, have no tables open. Double-click on a table and get an MDI window. I click on the maximize button (at least, that's what I think the button is for...) and the window vanishes.

If I then click on the "X" that is on the far right of the toolbar I get the following error:
object "" not found
while executing
"delete object $currentPacked"
(procedure "::MDIWin::maximizedCloseButtonPressed" body line 2)
invoked from within
invoked from within
".mainWin.db.tb.tbframe.maxbtns.close invoke "
invoked from within
".mainWin.db.tb.tbframe.maxbtns.close instate {pressed !disabled} { .mainWin.db.tb.tbframe.maxbtns.close state !pressed; .mainWin.db.tb.tbframe.maxbtns..."
(command bound to event)

1.0.0-beta4, Windows XP

Googie - Pi± Wrz 21, 2007 5:45 pm
" />Yes, it's known bug. Here's first report of it

I still don't know what is responsible for this behaviour. It happens only on some machines. For example it works perfectly for me (WinXP too), but my friend with Windows XP has the same problem. I'll debug it on his machine, but he's not available now, so I'm waiting for him to finish this job.

Googie - Wto Pa¼ 30, 2007 6:00 pm
" />Fixed.